Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lazy days

Yesterday we had a visit from my sister in law, so we treated ourselfs to a wisit so Pascal. They have the best cakes in the world. Just take a look at this picture:

Yummi, right? They are just so incredibly tasty, and everyone should have a chance to taste one of these at least once in theyre liftime. To day this is whats left:

But it looks so lonely, so I better eat this one too......

Before Christmas I found these small christmas-cones

I realy wanted to buy them, but they were a bit to expensive. So when I found them on sale yesterday, I was so happy! I've bougth four of them, two red and two black ones.

Other than that, we spends the days relaxing, watching DVDs and reading. I've even started croheting an octopus for Odin. It's nice to make something that's not related to Christmas again.

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