Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A great day!

This day has been just great! First we woke up to beautifull sunshine, and that's always a good start for me. I kind of like rain too, but there is something about sunshine in the morning, that makes me spesially happy.

When we were on our daily stroll, I decided to visit one of my favourite stores, "Junibakken". I ended up treating myself with these candellight-holders.

And this very cute hanger:

At my local Fretex (a good-will store) I found this rainhat, cold sydvest in norwegian. I have wanted one of these for a long time, but haven't been able to find one I like. So when I saw this bright red one, I just had to buy it.

I also found this old cookbooks, and a coffeepot, at an other secondhand store.

The coffeepot has the same pattern as some plates I alredy have. No one of us drink coffee, but I think it will work fine with hot chocholat too.

But the best buy of the day was a 32 pice dinnerware. I bougt a really nice plate at a fleemarket a while ago, but haven't been able to find more of them. But to day I found the whole set at once. I bought it of course, but it was to big and heavy to carry home, so I will have to pick it up tomorrow.

After this fun day of shopping, the best part was waiting for me in my mailbox. I recived my swap-gift in the "Santas Hat Swap"! It was sent by Jenni in Denver, USA. And WOW! The santas hat was really full of wraped little gifts. I just love it! I got so many nice things. Thank you, Jenni. This was so wonderfull!

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