Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ullevål Hospital

We have spent the day at Ullevål Hospital, and our little viking-prince was so brave. He just cried once, when we had to hold him down for the x-rays. All the nurses and doctors comented on how brave he was! And we were just SO proud! Now we have to wait a couple of weeks or so for the results. But the doctors were very optimistic, and it looks like he won't need surgery.

I have finished the two gnomes for my cousins. Now I just need to finish one more, and that one is for myself. After that, I think I'm done making gnomes. It was soooo boring finishing the last two, so no more gnomes!

Yesterday I got this lovely hanger in the mail. It was sent by TinTin. I sent her some yarn in return. This is a great way of "buying" new craft-supplies, without spending a lot of money. I'm looking forward to using the hanger, but it won't be before after christmas, I think.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hurry! Hurry!

I haven't been able to update my blog again. My son, Odin, was sick the whole last week, so I didn't have time to do much blogging or crafting. But he got some penecillin, and is much better now. On thursday we're going to Ullevål hospital for a check up. Hopefully they won't find anything wrong.

My goal for christmas was to be finished with all my christmas-gifts by 1. Desember. (Exept the gifts for Tomas and Odin) The Idea is that this way, I can spend the whole Desember making cristmas-decorations, cakes and other christmas-stuff for myself. It would be nice to have a calm, nice Desember, without all the stress. But Desember 1. is just a few days away, so I better hurry. I have a few gifts I need to buy, and some gifts I need to finish making.

I need to finish these three Gnomes. Two are gifts for my cousins, one I'm planing to keep myself.

I also have to finish another "Santa-couple in love". They are a gift for my aunt.

This is a slipper I'm making for a friend.

I'm also planing on sewing some wine-bags to give away with wine-bottles. It makes the gift a bit more personal. Only problem is, I haven't even started on these yet. I don't think I will be able to finish everything by friday 1. Desember, but by the end of the coming weekend, I hope everything is done.

Well I better get started.....

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I love sundays! It's the day of the week when we try to do as little as possible. This sunday is fathersday in Norway, so I made waffles for brekfast. It's Tomas favourite, so I thoght it would be a great start at his first fathersday. Later we will have homemade hamburgers for dinner, and brownies for dessert. Jummy!

To day is also the day of the football cup finale. Unfortunatly my team; Lillestrøm, didn't make it this year. But next year.... Look out everyone!
Well, today Sandefjord is playing Fredrikstad. A friend of mine is Fredrikstad supporter, so I'll chear for them today.

I can hear a little, cranky boy waking up now, so I better log of.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Hello again

I haven't updated my blog for a while. My sister has been visiting from Canada, so I just haven't had the time to log on. I don't see my sister wery often, so when she's here, we try and spend as much time together as we can. Now she's back in Toronto, so I'll try and update my blog more often.

I still haven't started on my bag for the "Veskealong" (Handbag-along), but I have decided I want to make a felted bag. I'm looking forward to start, now that I have decided how I want to make it.